"I live on the ocean becaaaause i... ski?"
Its been flat on the southern coasts since 2010. This has allowed us the time to get up and out into some deep and steep. During this thaw i would like to give thaaaanks. Thank you Mother Nature for a particularly sweet first half of the winter ( - swell). We've enjoyed a few really interesting hikes, scoping out some pristine powder. These hikes included- Camels Hump, Ascutney, Big Jay, and some unnamed back-country.
More to come
Featured Riders
Emily Babbitt
Peter i nap when i want Bermudez
Nicholas Alden Shreddengill
Kelly S. Wilbur
Rider of the week was Peter Bermudez for being the best skier on the mountain...
Over 3ft of freshy.
Its ok, we enjoyed it for you.
Spent 4 hours in traffic and was greeted with a locked door and a note.
Emily Babbitt
Get it
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